Monday, March 1, 2010

Beloved Books: Arm in Arm by Remy Charlip

I'm excited to present a rubric to my blog: Beloved Books. I have so many treasured books that I want to share. This weekend, I spent Saturday afternoon photographing the covers and some spreads of my favorite books. By no means am I the best book-photographer, but I hope you enjoy!

Today jewel is Arm in Arm by Remy Charlip. It's compiled of silly, goofy short poems & stories, and wonderful little illustrations. It would make a great gift for children, or any child-like adult :) I think the best place to look for this would be e-bay. 


  1. This book, Arm in Arm, looks fantastical and right up my alley. Can't wait to see what other book treasures you have.

  2. I had this as a child, and came across it yesterday in my storage room! I am so excited to pass it down to my daughter. This is original, one of a kind, and always makes me smile. I think I might have this book insured. :)

  3. I loved this book SO MUCH! I'm in tears right now as I look at the pictures. Thank you for the memories.

  4. One of the most important books from my early years, Arm in Arm's influence on me and my sensibilities cannot be overestimated. Sadly Remy Charlip died on Tuesday at the age of 83. Here's the link to his NY Times obituary:
