Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vintage Summer Vogue Covers

With the weather channel lately informing me that it "feels like 17º outside" (and its almost April, mind you), I am desperately longing for spring to finally arrive once & for all! Feeling inspired by these vintage summery Vogue covers, scanned from my AIGA book from the 80s. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Flowers in my hair

This may be the greatest photo ever. The lovely Joni Mitchell. Longing for summer sundresses, live outdoor music, and flowers in my hair again. Image from here

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meredith Alcarese

Loving my friend Meredith Alcarese's beautiful paintings. See more & "vote" for her work here

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Francesco Simeti

Have this as my desktop wallpaper at work. Kind of crazy but I love it! 

Francesco Simeti, Plastic Eden, wallpaper, height 3 m, 2008
Via Moon River

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vegetable Garden Primer for MSL

A story I art directed & designed for the March issue of Martha Stewart Living:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Spring

Took some new spring cards to Iris Cafe this morning. Loving the absence of snow & seeing new life budding all around me. 

Goodbye winter! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hannah McVicar

One of the best perks of working at a magazine is the FREE TABLE.  My apartment is filled with free gems from they hay days domino magazine.  Many of the gifts under the York family Christmas tree are magazine freebies. I think its possible that my mom loves the free table more than I do.

Yesterday at Martha, I picked up Jekka's Herb Cookbook and can't wait to try all her delicious recipes. 

I was also delighted by the the beautiful illustrations by Hannah McVicar. How darling are these prints from her website:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Armory Show, NYC

Had a wonderful time at the Armory Show yesterday. Here are some of my favorite pieces, inspiring to me right now and also the general atmosphere of the show. I did my best to photograph the name of each artist after each piece but decided not to painstakingly type it all out. Please email me if you'd like to know about a particular piece. Enjoy!